From trail mix to pastry centrepieces, dried dates have been a staple ingredient for thousands of years. Believed by some historians to be the oldest cultivated fruit, dates played an important role in several ancient empires and religions.
They’re especially important during the month of Ramadan when people practising Islam enjoy them after long days of fasting or to celebrate a month’s end feast known as Eid al-Fitr. To this day, dried dates remain common throughout the Middle East, where they are enjoyed during several holidays and everyday recipes.
While dates can be enjoyed fresh, many people prefer the rich flavour of their dried form. In addition to improving convenience and changing the taste and texture, the drying process increases levels of certain minerals.
Purifies blood
Improves Hemoglobin levels
Protects from premature ageing
Fights against bad cholesterol
Increases bone strength
Keep a check on acidosis
Protects eye and teeth against infection
Modulate sugar level in diabetes
Regulates digestion
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